May 21, 2008

My Dad's watching State of Origin!

Aaron has finally dragged me back to my humble adobe aka my blog.

Q: So what’s new Kimi Hendrix?

A: Uni's getting hectic, got 2 ass due next week and 2 due the week after then I’m done. I’ve been doing pretty well in assessments and managing fine. Less allnighters!

I’m working now which is great! I’m working at the SP stores in the city – SP1 next to Mooks and SP3 in World Square next to Hype. I’m starting a work experience internship thingy with hot hot fashion label Tigerlily as of next Friday. I’m still in denial cos I still cant believe they chose ME out of all the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students that applied for it! Wow! I hope it's great! I'm excited and nervous at the same time! I love partying and dancing (and getting trashy too! Hahahah what a loser I am). Oh, and my hair is long and black!

Q: How’s your outlook on life and all things important?

A: This year’s been amazing so far! I’ve been keeping on track with many things. Staying positive, taking it easy and enjoying it all. Learning not to take things too seriously and laugh along the way. What’s surprising is getting the things I’ve asked for straight away, which is fab I guess but it also makes me think twice about what I really want, hence the saying “be careful of what you ask for, as you may get your wish!”.

Q: What’s on the agenda for the next few weeks and months?

A: Uni finishes up in roughly 2 weeks, so that’s great. More time to party and do fun stuff with friends, family and have time off to myself! More time for work! So I can save for lots of goodies!

Things to save for:
1. End 2009 Mini world trip: London, Spain, Vietnam, Japan and Jamaica and maybe US.
2. End 2008: Either trip to Thailand or interstate with friends
3. Decks/Mixer/Amp
4. Parklife
5. General Miscellaneous life savings/Uni fees

I’ve been good so far trying to not impulse buy on stupid little things just cos I have money. Things like perfume, clothes, shoes and food need to be saved for, even if I have money right now to afford it. It encourages me to learn to save for something and feel like I truly deserve it and be financially in control. Bla bla.

I need to get God back into my life. Even though everything’s been running smoothly, I’ve kinda neglected praying and stuff. I’ve been contemplating which is OK I guess. It’s that time when you need a break and get back into it all when you’re ready. To be honest, I’ve been running around like a trashbag and letting myself loose. I tend to do that once in a while and I enjoy it… and feel free and happy yet crap …and guilty at the same time. HAHAHA.

Q: What do you feel has improved/changed within the past few months about yourself?

A: OMGAA this interview format is so gay hahahahaha. But anyways…

Umm I guess after what one of tutors said to me to be confident and trust yourself in your decisions, I really took that on board… not just in my design work and professionalism, but also my attitude to life. I’ve learnt to stand up for myself and for others who can’t. I don’t waste time on people who are always trying to put me down. Being aware, but not being competitive about what other people are wearing, designing, who’s popular, who’s got it all etc.
More positive and self-motivated. Ambitious I guess… moving onto bigger and badder things

Anyways, I sound so full of myself, but its something I’ve been waiting to get off my chest! AND GAWD DOES IT FEEL GOOD!

Have a nice day – 
not just for you, but for everyone else around you!

1 comment:

My name is Aaron said...

woo. so proud of u kim for..

1. u finally blogged after how long and...
2. your job and your internship thingy! WOOOT