Jan 29, 2010


(29th March 2009)

It sometimes gets very difficult trying to keep up with the demands and pressures of this mad modern man-made world. It's good just to take a few hours out of our busy schedule just to go back to the original source, what God created... God is everywhere, and for me, it's through the nature-human relationship (human) nature.

Nature was our first habitat, until man began building... and building. It is crucial for human evolution, development and learning... but going back to nature, we can really feel what it's really like to be a human.

In the hectic urbanscape, I feel like a machine, a robot that's been commanded to go from point A to B (A being work and B being uni) and all other places (including C, home) are so stressful and hectic.

Nature is where I can be...

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